Sunday, March 4, 2007

The Alpha

A light in the horizon sparks with life. The mixture of colors change from reds to blue then purple darkness to black, keeping the light sheltered it swirls into itself, as though keeping all knowledge into one singular event. The very idea the tempest could allow for a quick escape is unsounded amongst the massive gravity cloud. An arc reminiscence of a lighting bolt shot across the surrounding sphere. Electrifying ethereal energy sparks the darkness. A thick purple hue quickly faded out with essence of peach and crimson blue. It’s unlike any seen here in this past time, in this space. White and red shadows saturated an illuminating velocity merging with no defining line separating the spectrums. Behind the horizon, having blue shift, unconscious thought began to form. The lights enhance the hue defining the shift but darkness suddenly took it all back. For some, the darkness raged on through the night, while others found the impulses and made them visible for the eyes to see. A final rift split apart the dividing line of time. This trice revealed the instant that led us to today. A story tellers voice echoed in the darkness beside the flame set in place by stone while the children remained starkly upright in their positions,
"How can you say that you’re ready? No one is truly ready to suffer and feel."
Aetherius fervently demanded answers while he contemplated thought. Aetherius’ mass was solid; he completed with precision. His thick breadth spanned an unfathomable distance.
Aither only moments away reacted energetically,
“But the feelings and the spirits are what we have come together for. To deny your feelings is to deny the idea we have come together at all.”
With a contemptuous look Aetherius retorted,
"Their form is too primitive. You are needed here. Here is the place you have resided. Do not be captivated and separated by what they strive to achieve with their humaneness, it will only dominate you."
The spark expanded towards the horizon, and beyond. Flickers on the horizon blazed in passive hues of crimson. Aither stood alone breathing long and loud acknowledging,
“Where is here but a useless, mindless, all together unheard organism who cannot keep adaptable thought. We change with the sunset, ever foreboding our existence. Those beings are brought together by words and work alone while suffering the pains of an indeterminate state.”
White air assaulted Aetherius; he sharply ascended, to the right embracing his ecstasy, forbidding the air to develop around him, he accounted in discord,
“Feel the water, its’ holds, its’ indistinct shape, embracing only tension keeping it completely and totally fluid inside. Moving from the inside, their emotions carry them downstream, always seeking the roots, while reaching for the sky, here is their final rest. Aither time is their enemy.”
As Aither held her gaze scrutinizing his reaction she softly said,
“Time is ours I agree; most are not ready for the journey. Their form rushes in like the breeze, leaving, living outwards while causing no real need to return, and denying the very existence of being. But alas, choice is given to reason, there by the selves shall overcome such trials occurring in such a shallow pool. Quite intriguing honestly, their perpetual motion keeps them in form, and their ideas are complementary. In their abode who shall lead and who shall follow always mocks the divine rhythm.”
For a second, you could observe the distinct difference between the two; she was lovely, and fiery, he diffident and meek. A mocking yet gentle voice shown as an orange and white glow surrounded her. She ascended backwards into the light, but only for a brief moment. The conversation abruptly turned towards chaos. Aetherius began closing his mind towards her. Darkness overtook the light for a brief moment before a final explosion of thought rocked the horizon. Aetherius’ windswept disturbance shown thought the rift exploding into a prism of color he reverberated,
“You mock the divine rhythm, for a state with such precision and grace, will suffer confusion only, and the state in which you prefer to attain is incomplete, and inaccessible. What is your raison d etre, what goal is it you seek? You shall see, and hear what Aither?”
He completed with majestic grace and a humbled abode dwelled where he had rocked the heavens. Aither faced towards the plane, where she witnessed a number of variations and possibilities. A tear was now apparent, diverging thoughts came forth in masses. Aither and Aetherius were no longer alone in their thoughts. An immediate voice turned hostile,
“Your kind is likening of war, what is it you have done? Tell me now of what you have done! For you shall surly pay with lives in unheard of numbers this time. This is savageness you speak of!”
The voice separated the celestial bodies further. Aetherius absconded into the darkness and was seen no more. The awareness of surrounding completed its circle mocking this point. For a brief moment in time, we had come together, the story teller went on.
“Now time itself, and the forces of nature tore us from our rapture, separating us. We attain to become something we once were.”
The voice raged on further slighting Aither,
“Who is responsible for this outrageous application of thought? You shall surly die, struck down by plagues, and disease. What have we come together for if an explosive occurrence can be felt once again here in this sanctuary. For what have you done, I demand answers, Aither.”
She had become a presence and was now visible. At least she wasn’t alone, Bedlam could see her. She had attained a majestic glow about her. She was intense, and impressed with being unconnected. The essence of Aetherius was removed and replaced with a voice seemingly flawless in nature. The presence humbled her. She insisted, and declared loudly.
“I feel no shame. For what I have done is completely natural. The force in which you share is attained in this way only. I cannot ask for anything, nor do I feel in any way emboldened by the idea you could wreak havoc on me or my people. I am free once again, and you are no longer alone. The threat of plague and disaster is a natural occurrence. Had you walked beside your people, you would have seen it for your self.”
Aither went on,
“The form to which their cycle completes is the same as you and I. But they work harder and strive more. They are capable of loving and longing, becoming the reality we have always strived to complete. Their complex species has created four miles of synaptic cord connecting a primitive mind to a functioning organism. They think, feel, and rationalize. They are not free of their bodies by choice. They are currently encased in a place, whereas, thoughts can be build upon. Work can be completed; the goal they strive for is to reach the heavens once again. Have you forgotten your place, Bedlam? For without them to feast upon you would not remain. I shall ask you; what is it you have done for these forms, except confuse them at every turn of their existence? You shall no longer be freed to complete a cycle that is negatively wholesome.”
Breathing Aither continued less reserved this time,
“This is an unchecked system, without balance, you shall now share with me what you have attained from this form. We shall share, or I will take it all, and make the form complete and without flaw. Which is the greater of the two? They attain for their selves. It shouldn’t be that difficult to share uncertainties with success.”
Bedlam moved quickly and couldn’t stay grounded, his random thoughts began to subside he was awestruck at her might and Aither continued,
“Their difficulty lies in their perception, which is easily challenged by knowledge, persistence, and ingenuity. Without you, this form would have flourished, attaining a different state several millennia ago. Your approach has made them static. You haven’t been challenged in thousands of years. Watch them grow with my presence.”
Bedlam understood his retreat left him alone far too long. He loosened his claim.
“I forgot, I know this creature and have great hope for their kind. I cannot take back what was never mine, and I admit I have become unchecked, and out of balance. I have felt so alone, and have overstepped my bounds. I admit, without balance, I have had too great a rein, I am without fault as well, and it is my nature. ”
This was true, his actions had become unchecked and his system was out of balance. He existed without regard for humanity. Bedlams’ point was well taken, mankind was beloved, an honorable creature, but easily manipulated. The unrest soon gave way to harmony as they began to work together. As an action to a reaction, the people flourished and peace came to being. The people began to open their minds, and their growth flourished. The children listened enthusiastically while the storyteller spoke the end to her story,
“Concentrating on her gift of consciousness, Aither became and formed a landscape of existence, balance, poise, and stability for all. The old forms eventually passed away, putting in motion a new set of laws, a new vista approached, and our people became objective and free. Become awakened my children, for if your full potential is not reached, you will be forgotten like the spirit of Aetherius. Only to be reawakened and revived on an ancient story teller’s whim.”
The Omega

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Quantum Manifistation

I’ve always been interested in science and mysteries. I enjoyed watching Carl Sagan in Cosmos. I followed the careers of scientists, physics, and now Quantum Mechanics. I enjoy Science in nature. Steven Hawkins provides us with a mathematical equation claiming, there can be God and Science, and Einstein stated God represented a, "superior reasoning power" (1)
Future science and religion are not in jeopardy by those who entertain an ideal that Quantum Science is quickly transforming the thoughts and emotional states of individual people around the world. We might need to investigate solely the edge for our ingenuity, if not for our existence. The choices that we make will determine the outlook on a given situation. No matter how many times we flip the coin, it only has three sides on which to land.
The Quantum theory tells us, on the surface, yes it looks great, but it's still kind of confusing? What I mean to say is matter exists, and on a sub-atomic level we are all connected. don't ever wonder again where those feelings come from. If we are all inner connected, it would go to show everyone should be able to hone in on each others brain waves the same way a flock of birds do in migration periods. But, in my opinion using scientific terms, chaos has divided us by greedy indivuals who organized religion, taking control of indivual thought. Chaos as referred to the universe is the beginning of everything the unbounded formless matter before the dawn of everything.
Question: Does that mean Time has always exsisted, or is time a measurement for the observer? Who knows! According to Encarta Dictionary, regarding physics, chaos is just an “apparent disorder the unpredictability inherent in a system such as the weather, in which apparently random changes occur as a result of the system's extreme sensitivity to small differences in initial conditions” The word stems from Latin > Greek >French > khaos, void, or abyss, which is where some of you are going if you don’t listen to your parents. While reading or writing it’s always nice to stop those Chaotic thoughts running through your head so you can actually get some work done. Has Quantum Physics found a reliable source for the presents, we associate with the unseen. It's a fact that matter can pop in and out of existence. Where does it go. Does any one miss it when it's gone? Does it pop into another plane?
I remember as a child when my mother used to asked me where my other sock went to, I know you have all felt the effect.
A movie titled “What the Bleep do we Know”, a film by Betsy Chasse, Mark Vicente, and William Arntz, is an international hit as described in Time Magazine, “an odd hybrid of science documentary and spiritual revelation featuring a Greek chorus of PhDs and mystics talking about quantum physics." The movie is a classic drama of life. Choices you make, and how they will effect your future. The producers did a wonderful job of showing how some people allow negative thought to change the outcome of a given situation. A female who is facing adversity in life, takes anti-depressants. These chemicals hinder brain function, causing a dependency, addiction of sorts. She feels depressed, she takes her anti-depressants, and the feelings go away, because the brain stem is numb from the dead end connectors associated with negative thought process. She begins to actually change her perception to the observer, and begins to change her perception from the inside out, and it effect her outlook on life. First off, I’d like to swear in by saying it’s a movie. No more, no less! And if your reading this and think, quantum physics can keep you from an anti-depressant prescription your doctor prescribed, don’t do it on my advise. Some people liked the movie, some people didn’t. But does it make it for quantum nonsense.
I don’t think it made for nonsense. The movie give an experience in life that most often drives normal people insane. Most people aren’t as misguided as others would like while, some are more misguided than others. This movie is a must see for anyone looking to find inner sanctum. It gave a sense of self, that outweighs the short term decisions you will make. A short explanation of your hard wired self includes the all upgraded model, you are 4 miles of synopsis cable all inter connected into a self contained evolutional genius. A being who has much more potential than previous thought. A transfer of consciousness into flesh. You are an inter woven being. Electric impulses run throughout you body generating energy with every conscious thought. Peptides are used in the body like keys in a lock. Using positive thoughts these peptides are healing, and enhancing to the bodies systematic responses. Although the movie didn’t state directly how to attain enlightenment, it only hinted there were those out there that were on the path to enlightenment as we speak. It hints that each and every people who knows there is a God-like presence, can attain the enlightenment on a more personal level that organized religion because in this realm, you are encouraged to attain self-awareness, and inner change.
It’s not so far fetched when you start thinking about it. We already know there are people who can use remote viewing lab can see what your writing, or even tell where another person is located just by embarking on their mind, is a reality that neatly fits into the scientific realm of quantum physics. Another reality is one possess a psychic ability and can kinetically move objects, is proven. Another proof to deal with is moving of objects from one controlled room to another controlled room without lifting a finger. I believe this generation is moving forward into the future without stepping out doors. The eyes, are closely related to the soul. The mind chooses reality.
When you read the following statements ask your self, do we share a conscious?
I feel I can sense things because I am in tune with nature The gene has been handed down in our family. We are seekers of knowledge. If only on the basis to alleviate a confused vision. We do not need to know specifics, as they will work their selves out in time.
Some like to call these feelings, gentle taps on the shoulder from their guardian Angel. While others call it a “Gut Feeling“. I know Quantum Physics will someday formulate a mathematical formula to figure out what seer’s have know for generations. Mysticism now has a place in Quantum Physics, because there are aspects that cannot be explained by any other certain terms. Quantum Physics takes on the idea that everything is wrapped up in to a singular event, inner-connected, a string Theory, etc, their mathematical formulations continue to enhance the emotional embarking of people who feel scientist have corrected a injustice as it pertains to religion. With the self in the lead, it leaves no room for the masses to be manipulated and quailed like modern day religion who‘s main stay is controlling thought, and condemning sinful behavior. Jesus began his ministry at 30 years old. During that time, he had a lot of great teachers. He never wanted to be worshiped, he wanted to set an Example. And in the scientific realm, it’s happening, they need to separate themselves from the bizarre take of Quantum Physics. It’s just a down right shame some Physics professors feel, an unfortunate and unforeseen exploitation of their science is in need of some good disciplined. It’s not fair to explain the Singular as if you understood it to begin with. Scientists have unleashed a Pandora’s box. We will welcome the new knowledge you gain. If you throw out what’s not seen, and you could be throwing out the most important aspect: the Void! You know it’s there, it what binds all matter to a predictable science. God is easily explained in a Quantum world. There is no reason to misinterpret quantum science replacing religious control very soon, but to all those who know there is something more out there, and your soul has surfaced. You must ask yourself, "How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?"
Looks like the coin has landed on it’s side- one chalked up for quantum science. It’s not the students fault, that while teaching a subject, the learned becomes the learner. Being left behind in the stardust of a moving mind. Rapidly filling in the dark matter. And in closing let us not forget the famous Bohr’s efforts of the observer, or Neumann’s encounter with predictability, along with many other great minds the common observer is laying waste to the boundaries of old scientific notions. There are great computer program writers , filling in the voids of dark matter that makes the universe go round. So, who’s to say? And How do we know? I know because I am the coin that has landed perfectly on it’s edge, that’s why my point is so loosely taken. If left alone, it can balance quite well, for long periods of time. The strains of the constant flipping are wearing you out. Take A edge and Relax!!! The idea the quantum science will become the new possible for peace attained from religion is hopeful. A coin has landed on its edge and it opens a third possibility to all things, which need to be explored.
Recommended Reading List:
Time and Chance by David Albert
Theater of the Mind A Preview of a Working Brain by Dr. Joe Dispenza, D.C.
Self Aware Universe, and Physics of the Soul by Amit Goswami, Ph.D
Manual for a Perfect Government, Physiology of Consciousness By John Hagelin, Ph.d
Towards a Science of Consciousness 1 and 2 Stuart Hameroff, M.D.
The Message Whose Time Has Come, The Ascent with God, The Soul Journey Within by Dr. Miceal Ledwith
Race Development and the New Company Town By Daniel Monti, M.D.
Why God Won’t Go Away, The Mystical Mind By Andrew B. Newberg M.D.
Molecules of Emotion, “Your Body is Your Subconscious Mind By Candace Pert, Ph.D
